Tuesday, 13 January 2009

babytays up until now..

I’m wishing I had started this blog earlier as I have had so much to share. I’ll try and take a quick look back at what has happened so far..

20th Oct 2008
I woke up and just had a sudden thought “oh lets do that pregnancy test in the drawer” very random and if I had thought about it I would have left it until I got home from work, not at 8.30am in the morning! Results came up positive, so was on the phone to Mr T straight away to let him know I had already got his birthday present… a baby! As his birthday is the 7th July, around 9 months after conception.. or so I thought.

Next was a quick text to my pal Nat as I knew she was jetting off on hols and for some strange reason never takes her mobile and I couldn’t possibly have waiting til she got back!

It wasn’t until later in the day I suddenly thought… my god how much sambuca had I drunk the week before, celebrating the success of an event I manage a4uexpo, oops!!

I promise Mr t I wont tell a single person (doh) about the baby as its bad luck before 12 weeks 

22nd Oct 2008
I just can’t keep it in anymore.. I need to tell Cath the exciting news plus I want to borrow her baby books and talk in detail to a female who has already been through it, so over to Cath’s I pop for a cup of tea after work.

17th Nov 2008
First trip to the see the midwife, was given the brightest orange book you can imagine, not very discreet, in fact it just spells out LOOK AT ME, I’M PREGNANT! But if I’m honest by this time me being pregnant is the worse kept secret in Europe, apart from at work where I’m determine not to let on until 12 weeks.

24th Nov 2008
Ok, ignore my last sentence today I told my boss, mainly cos I spend most the morning outside throwing up, umm nice, and then did the typically girly thing of busting into tear when he asked if I was ok, to which I replied “I’m pregnant, please can I go home cos I feel ill” He’s a bloke so of course he did not argue at this stage.

I continued to be ill for the rest of the day, I think this could be a bug though as I haven’t actually been sick through the pregnancy, just felt sick

25th Nov 2008
Today i'm 27 and ill

27th Nov 2008
Time to return to work and face the music, after not seeing my boss since confessing I’m expecting.

5th Dec 2008
Scan day!!! Mr T and I make our way up to St Michaels for our dating scan, I am now 10 weeks. It is amazing, its only 30mm long but it was waving out to us, or so I like to think.

Totally gutted they don’t allow you to have photos though!!

My due date is confirmed as the 29th June.

My first T Total Christmas in about 12 years and oh what a boring time it is when everyone else is getting p*ssed!

Not helped by the fact that the sickness has returned with revenge, woke up Boxing Day and didn’t keep a thing down until New Years day.

Final straw was New Years eve, we had plans to go out with Mark & Becky, my fellow fat pregnant friend for a civilized Chinese but was still feeling terrible, in fact the girly water works started again when I text to say we had to cancel. Mr T made me call the doctor who asked me to come up straight away and gave me a check over before prescribing what I can only describe as my magic pills. One pill and I’m zonked on the sofa by 6.30pm, briefly surfacing at 9.30pm for a drink and then I’m off to bed for what was the best night sleep I had had for approx 3 months. The tablets are my new best friend, oh plus I haven’t been sick!

Not so good an evening for hubby who for the first time in probably 20 years has had a T Total New Year, although he said he felt better for it the next day. I think he was just trying to make me feel better.

Since New Years I’m still sick every morning at about 8am but have had decent nights sleep so can live with that!

so that brings you up todate to where I am today…


  1. Your doing really well mate. The sickness must be a nightmare for you though.
    It's good to hear about all the ups and downs of the pregnancy (and I don't mean bringing things UP or trying to keep things DOWN either).
    I look forward to the next exciting chapter...xx

  2. Clair this is great!!!
    I saw the link on your facebook page and being the nosey cow i am had to take a look.

    I love it!!! Hope your feeling abit better now though!!!

    And it will all be worth it!!! lol!!!1

    luv Zoe xx

  3. Hey Claire

    Hope you are well. I know it's been a while but had to comment as you almost made me cry, your blog is really good!

    Congratulations on the bump, I bet you're over the moon.

    Louisa x

  4. Wat about the oven glove/tea towel?

  5. well reminded Jo, i'll have to do a blog on training mr t the basics of having a baby.

    Thanks for comments everyone, keep reading :-)

    Hey lou, good to hear from you x

  6. Hey Claire,

    First of all congratulations are in order for the wedding and even bigger congratulations for the bump! I hope all goes well and will keep an eye on the blog for more updates!

