Tuesday, 13 January 2009

10 Interesting facts I discovered in my first trimester

1. It is possible to hate everyone one day and love them the next.

2. You are actually pregnant for 9 1/2 months! You are pregnant before you even do the wicked deed, yep if you don’t believe me Google it! The dates start from the first day of your last period, so when I thought I was 3 weeks gone, I was actually 5.

3. Constantly feeling sick is much worse than being sick. At least if you are sick you feel better for a while.

4. Sleepless nights start straight away, well for me they did! 3 bloody 30 every night I’m awake, bright as a button for at least an hour and this is the most boring hour. At least sleepless nights once you have had the baby will keep me busy. Also sleepless nights are not good for your mood especially when you have work the next day. I feel for my poor husband, a tired Mrs Tay’s is not a good thing + hormones and it is terrible.

5. Growing boobs are soooo painfully, it’s like going through puberty again.

6. By going out in the cold you discover what it must feel like to have pins stuck in your nipples; it really is that bad.

7. Anything & everything can make you heave…well it does for me anyway.

8. Not drinking over festive season is not a pleasant experience.

9. Friends saying “it will be worth it in the end” when your feeling like shit does not help, but at least they are trying.

10. Reading books to begin with provides lots of information, but can also cause you to worry unnecessarily. I recommend talking to friends who have already been there and signing up for weekly emails from http://www.babycentre.co.uk/. I receive these every Monday and the information has been spot on.

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