Monday, 13 April 2009

If I was given a pound..

everytime I heard "Oh, you must be nearly due", "god arent you big" and "are you sure its not twins" and the worse one "blimey, it must be a big baby" - I would be having a luxury maternity leave counting the cash!

Just to let you all know -I have 11 weeks to go, yes I am big and have been for what seems like ages, although its slowing down now thank god! No, its not twins and finally I'm praying its not a big baby!

The last comment has had the worse effect on me as I keep having dreams (or should i say nightmares) that the baby arrives huge and in one dream it looked likes a 3 month old not new born... I blame Lisa for her dream that it was a 20lb baby..eekk..

11 weeks to go and counting.. I'm hoping the time now flys by!

BabyTays get a nursery!

& Mr & Mrs Taylor get wardrobes!

Now that is what I call a successfully Easter Bank Holiday weekend! Rewind one year and we would have both, most likely, be sat here nursing the hangover from hell after spending a Sunday knocking back the shots.

Easter 2009 and despite sickness hitting hard (note to self: pick up prescription tomorrow to re stock on tablets) we have had the most enjoyable bank holiday: painting, building wardrobes, cleaning (or nesting as some might call it) and shopping for nursery accessories!
Mr T had previously expressed that he would like to include garden wildlife, rather than your typical farm or zoo animals, and luck would have it Mama & Papa’s were having a spring sale… so our once clothes / junk room has been Hodge Podged right up and we love it!

We’ve painted the room Picket Fence (a warmish white), with oak fitted wardrobe and of course the Hodge Podge items with includes hedgehogs, birds, mice and foxes - a few of the items are pictured below.

Now we just need a cot.... oh and BabyTays to arrive!