Friday, 23 January 2009

The Bump!

Today I finally got around to taking a photo of my bump.

While I was at it, I was brave and decided to measure the largest part. So what do you think I would measure at almost 18 weeks; bearing in mind that just 5 months ago I fit into my wedding dress with probably a 26in waist?

Well, your guess is probably nowhere near. My bump measures 38in, yes, that’s not a typo 38ins and I’m not even half way through my pregnancy.

To add to the surprise I took a tape measure to Tony aka Grumps to Babytays (instead of gramps) to compare. Tony, 59 today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY is measuring at 44ins, only 6ins larger, and achieved over a much longer length of time….

I have a feeling I will be larger than Tony within the next month, and will probably be borrowing his clothes, oh god what a thought!!

Once Babytays arrives I have set Tony a challenge, who can slim down the quickest??

To make things interesting – TONY If you win, you will never have to babysit on a Saturday night, if I win ha ha ha your Saturday nights are looking very cosy at home -with a bambino!

Oh a brighter note, my boobs are growing in proportion to my bump - HAPPY DAYS!!

£190 for us mums to be!

Great news for us mothers to be, the government have introduced a new grant to help us survive the credit crunch!

From April 09 we can claim a one-off tax free payment from the HMRC. You have to be 25 weeks pregnant to qualify for the "Health In Pregnancy Grant".

Your due date must be on or after the 6th April 09.

You can find more information here and also sign up to receive a text / email reminder when you are in your 25th week as a reminder, I've already signed up for mine!

All helps for the BabyTays fund, that’s half of the cost of a cot.


Tuesday, 20 January 2009

20 Week Scan

Oh a brighter note.. we've had our 20 week scan appointment for the 5th Feb.

Look out for babytays first photos coming soon!!!

Emotional Rollercoaster...

Ok, so I’m not giving pregnancy a good name, but do remember this is only my experience and so far I am what the text books would call the ‘unfortunate few’.

Meaning that after the 12 weeks period (1st trimester), the blooming stage is suppose to kick in, well I can honestly say I’ve not yet been fortunate to experience this part and have had the pleasure of people telling me for 5 week now that “your be blooming soon” well blooming my ass!!! You’re all liars!!

Now don’t get me wrong, a number of pregnant women have a much worse time of it than me, so I know I am lucky, but the point of this blog is to give people my inside view…

I’m currently laid in bed at stupid o’clock, as in early cos I’ve had enough of today and tomorrow couldn’t possible come soon enough. I’m having what one might call a extremely emotional or hormonal day. A day when the water works can be started off at the slights thing for example me burning the sausages.. yes that’s right this incident brought on the water works and it didn’t stop there, the water works continued for at least the next hour off and on for the smallest, most stupid reasons, poor Mr T must wonder what emotional wreak he’s living with this week!! (note to myself: must thank Mr Tays for being a star once this is over!)

So after a completely shit day, waterworks evening I decided to have a nice shower and a bit of pampering to end the day on a brighter note… but oh no my trusted friend “Mr bloody sickness” had to make a reappearance, this being the final straw in which I decided to give up on today and hope tomorrow brings a bit more joy.

Tomorrow myself and fat with twins, friend Becky are going for our first session of yoga for pregnant ladies!